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Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Just a gallimaufry of AI-generated photos, real photos and ramblings 📸


Walking to where our car was parked, I noticed something perched atop a food delivery box.
My sons recognized them as a pair of action figures from the beloved anime series One Piece. The spiky character is none other than Tony Tony Chopper, the reindeer doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates. 

It was a quirky sight, seeing Chopper, in all his forms, hitching a ride on the back of a motorcycle. It felt like a little piece of anime magic had spilled over into the real world, turning an ordinary food delivery box into a moment of fandom joy.

Dinner - Fusion Dim Sum
*Dim sum for dinner? Absolutely, because why not! And yes, I'm diving into some fusion dim sum too—cheese on tofu? Let the food purists roll their eyes!
*Traditionally, dim sum is enjoyed during breakfast or brunch, especially in Cantonese culture. It's a social meal often shared with family and friends over tea, usually served in small portions like dumplings, buns, and other bite-sized delicacies. The practice of enjoying dim sum in the morning is rooted in its origins as a light, early-day meal to complement tea drinking, known as "yum cha" (drinking tea). However, the appeal of dim sum has grown globally, and now people enjoy it at any time of day, including dinner.


Lucerne 2019 

In the charming town of Lucerne, where the historic Chapel Bridge stands proudly against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains, humans love to walk their dogs in the evenings. But if you care to look closely enough, you might just bump into Elsa the Mouse and her dapper pet snail, Sir Escargot, enjoying their own little evening stroll. 

Lugano 2022

Have you ever noticed how tricky it can be to capture photos of benches with breathtaking views? When you’re sitting on the bench, you’re naturally facing the scenery, but the photographer can’t position themselves in front of you because it’s often a water’s edge or a sheer cliff. And even if they could, the backdrop behind you wouldn’t be the stunning view that the bench is designed to enjoy.

Isn't it amazing how AI can creatively solve this age-old dilemma of capturing the perfect photo on a bench with a stunning view? In real life, when you sit on a bench facing a breathtaking scene, the photographer is often limited by the landscape—usually, it’s a water’s edge or a cliff—making it nearly impossible to get both you and the view in the same frame. But with AI, it’s a different story. It can position the mice on the bench so they’re enjoying the view while simultaneously turning them to face the camera, all without sacrificing the beautiful backdrop. 


Me, wide awake at 4:00 AM despite counting sheep
I’m curious—do any of you have trouble falling asleep? And if not, do you find your sleep gets fragmented or interrupted? I’ve been wondering how many hours of sleep most people actually average.

I’ve been having trouble falling asleep lately, which is new for me—never had this issue before. I suspect it might be an aging thing, but noisy neighbors have definitely been a trigger! I recently discovered CBT-I (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia) on YouTube and am now trying to practice it. It’s a method that helps address the thoughts and behaviors that might be keeping you awake.

Has anyone else faced similar challenges or tried CBT-I? I’d love to hear your experiences and any tips you might have for dealing with sleep issues.

Looking forward to your insights!

My Corner of the World


  1. What a beautiful series of photos.
    The food looks delicious and the AI ​​mice are so cute.
    I wish you a beautiful day.
    Greetings Irma

  2. Dearest Veronica,
    The fusion dim sum images look yummy!
    And the Chapel Bridge in Lucerne is breathtaking.

  3. Those figures hitching a ride on the takeout delivery motorcycle are so fun! Your food looks so delicious. I don't have trouble falling asleep but just in the past year or so I've started having trouble staying asleep; I'm often awake for an hour or two in the middle of the night trying to fall back to sleep and not being able to.


  4. The food looks good, so many different dishes.
    The mice at the lake are sweet as sugar <3

  5. Dear Veronica,
    sometimes I make Yoga in the afternoon or direct for Bedtime, and for me is this helpful.
    The Meal how delicious and now I'm Hungry ;-)

  6. Those dimsum look so GOOD! I am serious not a fan of any AI stuff...

  7. The dimsum looks really good!
    I like your trip photos to Lucerne and of course the ones with the mice in too.
    The mice on the bench do give a great idea of how to set up a photo like that.
    I don't usually have issues falling asleep, but it does happen sometimes and is so frustrating!

  8. Hello again, dear Veronica!
    Your images with food are quite interesting and probably they are very good.
    But the trees are quite strange...
    Happy Today and a beautiful week ahead!❤️😘

  9. Hope your sleep can improve, so important.

  10. The food looks so delicious. Luzern is a beautiful city. I have been in Switzerland, and it's a lovely country. The AI mices are so sweet, and I love the last picture. I have had sleep problems for over twenty years, and it's exhausting.
    All the best to you, Veronica!

  11. The Dim Sum looks delicious, and I've always wanted to try it. Funny to see those actions figurines on the delivery box. My son used to love Power Rangers haha. Those trees along the water front are unusual looking, and quite pretty. So sorry you're having trouble sleeping lately. I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, but I get the required hours of sleep. Sometimes when I can't fall back asleep, I drink a small glass of milk, and that helps. Something about it I heard. I do hope your neighbor issue gets better too, my friend.


  12. Oh, I like Dim Sum, it's been years since I had it though. Love those mice. Good luck with the sleep thing. I usually only get about 5 hours of sleep.

  13. Very quirky and fascinating, dear Veronica: "Tony Tony Chopper, the reindeer doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates." 😅 I've never heard of it... The Fusion Dim Sum looks absolutely delicious 😋 I could eat it in the evening or for lunch. For breakfast, I prefer porridge or muesli or pastries... What are the cute mice made of? (Eggs? Radishes?...) Speaking of mice - a mouse that has a snail called Sir Escargot as a pet is an adorable and very imaginative idea 😍. And Lucerne looks pretty! It's really great how the AI ​​solved the bank-view dilemma. As for your sleep problems: When I still went to work and there was a very unpleasant working atmosphere there, I also had problems falling asleep or staying asleep. Autogenic training helped me a little now and then; sometimes Passedan drops helped me too. This is a herbal medicine made from passionflower that works in a completely natural way against inner restlessness and also works to make it easier to fall asleep without causing addiction. I don't know CBT-I, but it's good to try everything that could help! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll feel better soon.
    Hugs and all the best, Traude

  14. The only time I have trouble sleeping is when I have the twitches. I call them that. Lovely photos.

  15. Once again, Veronica, your AI mice have captivated my heart and imagination. Beautiful! To insure a good night's sleep, I will take a 5mg dose of melatonin right before I'm going to sleep. You might want to give that a try. Hope your neighbors either move out or settle down!

  16. The mice just make me smile. I love them so much. The food looks so good.

  17. Veronica, I've opened a few square bags of ramen in recent days and thought of you ... but I must admit some real authentic dim sum would be marvelous right about now.

  18. The figurines on the delivery bags are fun to see

  19. Me dio ganas de la comida. Te mando un beso.

  20. Your dinner looks unbelievable! And your AI mice -- they just enchant me!

  21. Oh boy the food here looks SO good and your AI art is so damn cute. We gave a neighborhood bunny a block over I named him/her Bun Bun, I should do an AI lol. Ugh I have struggled with insomnia my whole life even as a child. It runs in my family I think it is hormone related. I hope this helps you.

    Allie of

  22. I love having breakfast for dinner. I'm not surprised that dim sum has made the transition, as I'm sure everyone everywhere would enjoy breakfast for dinner.

    As for falling asleep, I had issues when I was in my teens and twenties. In my thirties I started on melatonin, and that cured my sleep issues. Almost twenty years later and I rarely have sleep issues. I hope what you found works for you. It sucks not being able to sleep well.

  23. Veronica, I have never tried CBT-1 but I would like to hear what your thoughts on it are and if it helps. I love dim sum!!

  24. Hello
    I was only able to solve my sleep problem with a miracle pill that I take every night! It's a very stressful problem, and not sleeping can take a toll on your health at other levels. I love the food you show us, it looks so delicious! and I love how AI solved the problem of photography on a bench and how to capture the beautiful views! I don't know about those figures on top of the food delivery bag!

  25. Your dim sum looks delicious. My husband has difficulty sleeping at night. I am curious about CBT-1 (don't really know what it is) but would love to hear your feedback on it. I finally made an Ai generated photo.Thanks for sharing about it.

  26. I love your meals...they look so tasty! And the critters are fun. I sleep good most of the time and I know that is a reason for my good health. I read for an hour or more before I go to bed and sleep around 9 hrs. I don't nap during the day and I think that helps too.

  27. Great post, the delivery bike with the action figures is a quirky sight. The food all looks delicious, I would like to try the dumplings. The travel photos are pretty, I enjoyed Switzerland back in 1992, we visited Lugano too. The AI mice are cute!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  28. Dim sum is something I've wanted to experience, but never have. The dishes all look so beautiful. Love the little mice on the bench at Lugano. I, too, walked the Chapel Bridge in Lucerne, but sadly, didn't see any cute mice there!
    I sometimes wake up in the night and can't sleep. Getting up doesn't really work, so I lie quietly in bed and pray or recite poetry or scripture verses in my head. I know that I usually go back to sleep after an hour or two. Worrying about not sleeping seems to contribute to making it worse, for me. Wishing you much success with the CBT

  29. Regarding your sleep issues, it’s interesting to hear you’re exploring CBT-I. Many people find it helpful for addressing sleep challenges. I’ve had my share of sleep troubles too, and incorporating relaxation techniques and adjusting sleep environments can sometimes make a difference. I hope you find what works best for you!

    Read my new blog post: Thank you.

  30. Hello,
    I thought I left a previous comment, it must be missing. Your dinner does look delicious! The AI mice are cute. You travel images are lovely, beautiful views. I do have problems getting to sleep and staying asleep.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great week ahead.

  31. I also had problems sleeping during this period, I thought it was the blue supermoon. I had a very restless sleep. I once read about the power of positive words on us, and at night before I fall asleep I tell myself something like: "I'm getting better and better on all levels! "or I express my gratitude for everything I have achieved today and I enjoy the moments of peace and relaxation.
    I have not tried other methods.
    I can't wait to tell you about your results.
    Have a nice evening, Veronica!

  32. Oh very cute photos
    I never tried CBT-I but now I want to try this

  33. What a good mix and upbeat too and as always love that food heheh!

    Have a gallimaufrytastic week 👍

  34. I love these images with these little mice made by AI. I believe that sleep problems are a worldwide problem. It is normal to sleep less as you get older. I can't sleep with noise. Having noisy neighbors is a problem. I have some practices that I do to sleep well. I don't take my phone to my room. In my room, I only have my bed and nothing else. Drinking a relaxing tea before going to bed helps. When I read a book, I try not to think about problems in bed. There are earplugs that block out external noise and can help you sleep. I hope I've helped. Have a good week ahead.

  35. Enjoying Fusion Dim Sum for dinner is such a fun and crazy delicious idea. Just looking at it is making me want dinner way too early! :-)

  36. A fun series of photos and AI, those little mice are darling. I also enjoyed the creatively formed food mice. People are very talented to be able to do that. All the food looks incredibly yummy, all photos enjoyed very much. Thank you!

    As for sleeping, I have always been a terrible sleeper that started in childhood and have bouts of insomnia more often than not. Now it is such a regular part of my sleep routine. I don't mind it, though I do tend to nap in the daytime now and can actually fall asleep sitting up, lol! I should take a look at those YouTube videos you mentioned. Thank you!

  37. Your dim sum is making me hungry! I didn't know that it was traditionally consumed for breakfast or brunch. I usually enjoy it for lunch or dinner.

    Hope that the CBT-I helps with the insomnia.

  38. Thanks for the trip around the world through your great photos. Those little bunny eggs are the cutest! As for sleeping, I haven't slept well at all for the past couple years but I hadn't heard of the technique you mentioned you've been following. i haven't decided yet if it's age related or due to all of the radiation we surround ourselves with in this day and age, but good luck!

  39. I'm not a food connoisseur, but I like food to be authentic, so no dim sum for dinner, except for stir-fry noodles or stuffed eggplant or tofu. And I love tofu any which way Asian style. I might be missing out, but I haven't dared to try cheese with tofu or any Western recipes for it.

    Sorry to hear about your insomnia problem. It's a chronic issue for my husband; listening to audio books has helped him fall asleep. He highly recommends it. Hope it helps you.

  40. The food bag is interesting to see. The food looks delicious and the AI mice are so very cute. To sleep through most of the night, I listen to music on my headphones and that usually works fine.

  41. I allways get hungry of your food photos.

  42. Yummy... and yes, I enjoyed reading very much. Thank you for sharing.

    Greetings by Heidrun

  43. That's a fun and eclectic mix as always! The dim sum and travel photos are great too.

  44. Hello Veronica,
    Great pictures. Nice to see all the wonderful travel places. So fantastic withthe views.
    And what a delicious food you show again. So very nice and great how you have photograph.
    Funny images with the mouses..hihi..!!

    Many greetings,

  45. As always, we love those little mice! As for sleeping, Mom can't stay awake. She likes to watch TV and then falls asleep and never knows how things end. Her whole life she has fallen asleep watching TV, then she wakes up, turns it off and is right back asleep. Her trouble is waking up in the middle of the night and not falling right back to sleep.

  46. Loved your appetising food photos.

  47. Love your AI, but your food is fabulous. I ate and ate. Delicious.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  48. You are having a lot of fun with AI, I love your food and travel photos!

  49. what a fun post :-). I loved the figurines on the food box. clever.

  50. wow what beautiful photos!
    plane trees are impressive trees! but those dishes .. they made me ready! hmmm how nice!
    but how to eat those white bunnies with pink ears?! 😍
    how adorable is the little mouse out for a walk with the snail! adorable!🥰
    kisses and hugs😘❤️

  51. Lindos los ratones. Mi cena es más sencilla. Ahora con los tomates un poco de queso fresco y un poco salmón ahumado, eso hemos cenado hoy.
    Con el calor duermo peor Verónica.
    Un abrazo.
