Aspiring cartoonist
Bill Taylor from Durham, North Carolina uses the whiteboard in his office as a canvas to express his artistic abilities. A data manager by day, Taylor spends 2 to 5 minutes each day to complete his masterpieces that include the works of artists like Monet, Banksy, Van Gogh, etc

Each piece takes an average of about 6 weeks or more to complete

He gets a lot of people who come by just to see the progress or see what the next choice is. Says Taylor, "
I do my daily chunk on it in the time it takes most people to get a cup of coffee from the break room."

Each finished piece is left for a couple of days before he erases it!

Claude Monet, Woman with a Parasol

Dorothy and riot policeman by Banksy

Great Wave Off Kanagawa by Hokusai

Starry Night by Van Gogh

Departure of the Winged Ship by Vladimir Kush

The whiteboard in Bill's cubicle