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Friday, March 9, 2018

The Pregnant Deer

Ever heard of the pregnant deer story? It resonates deeply with me. Time and time again, I draw great inspiration from that very scenario  whenever I feel that I am inundated with negativity and adversities around me. I think of myself as the pregnant deer with the happy ending. The allegory is so very symbolic of life. Negative thoughts are toxic. They can destroy your morale and oftentimes be overpowering enough to be incapacitating.

The story goes like this.
A pregnant deer is about to give birth. She finds a secluded spot in the forest near a swift flowing river. Just then, dark clouds gather in the sky above and lightning starts a forest fire. She looks to her left and sees a hunter aiming to shoot her with an arrow. She looks to her right and sees a hungry lion waiting to pounce on her. What is she to do in a desperate situation like this?

1. There is a forest fire
2. There is a swift flowing river
3. There is a hunter on her left
4. There is a hungry lion on her right

It seems like she is doomed and there's no way out in such a hopeless situation,

But the deer knows there is only one thing she can do so she decides to focus on the one thing she can focus on - giving birth. And as she gives her full attention to the process of just giving birth, a sequence of events happens.

There is a bolt of lightning.
The hunter gets disorientated and  releases the arrow.
The arrow zips past the deer and strikes the lion.
The lion flees.
Rain pours down heavily and puts the fire out.

And at that very moment, the deer delivers a healthy fawn.

The moral of the story? We should stop worrying about things that are beyond our control and just  give our full attention to what is most important at the moment and focus on giving our best.  In the midst of a storm, do not lose faith.  Surrender to God and He will guide us through the puddles and remove the obstacles in our path.

Watch this video. It is life changing!
Let this be our motivation for 2018

image source - Returning To Oneness


  1. that's a very cool story. We don't know what's going to happen .... but I worry anyways, lol.

  2. What a great and inspiring post!! Loved the story!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us and thanks for visiting!!

  3. What a great lesson here. Often we worry over things that we have no control over. It's a waste of our energy and it will mess up your day.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ♥


  4. Yes, it is my new tear's resolution and that is: NOT TO BE SUCH A WORRIER !! Live the present, be thankful and smile a lot.
    Thanks for sharing this great message.

  5. This is a great post and very inspirational. I've had to learn this lesson over the course of my life. Worrying and getting stressed out is of no benefit. Focus on the task at hand. Thanks for sharing on Sunday's Best.

  6. I had never heard that story.. what a wonderful story.. thanks for sharing.

  7. What a nice post I haven't heard it before either :-)

    Have a stresslesstastic day :-)

  8. What an inspiring (and true) story. Worrying doesn't accomplish a thing!

  9. Awww, thanks so much for sharing. Feeling inspired.
    Teresa Kindred from

  10. I needed to see this. I'm looking for a new job. With the job I have now they give me a laptop to use. I need to buy a new one. I'm under a contract, but my boss broke the contract. Enrollment is so low. He took away my sick time. Goodness I've been a worry mess. I have a job interview for freelance work tomorrow. Then I have a job test Thursday for another full time job. I need to remember to breathe!

    1. Would love to know (a year later) how your story ended. I hope it was like the Deer :)

  11. I had quite forgotten about this allegory, I think I heard it once and was so affected at the time! Thanks so much for bringing it back to light, along with more! Something actually happened like that today! Although I didn't have this awesome allegory to draw upon, I did have enough in reserve to know that I should just trust God and that all would work out for the best good of all, and it did!!

  12. This is just a follow-up comment. You recently requested that I include you in #MyPostMonday link-up. I just did so with this article and you're featured as #13 here: I will Tweet about it soon! Thanks again! You can come and enter anytime!

  13. Wow that is a very powerful story thanks for sharing this.

  14. That is a great story! I need that inspiration again and again, to stop worrying so much and simply focus on what is at hand. Thanks for sharing this story. Awesome picture too!

    Have a great week!

  15. That was totally awesome. Loved the story on the video, and the way it was told. Thank you so much for sharing. hugs & have a great day!

  16. What a lovely story and great inspiration. Over the last few months, I have had a lot of worry over my Daughters health and becoming alergic to wheat. Although it was not the results we wanted I had wanted I have wasted so much time worrying about it. It is out of my control but we can move on easily now.

    Thanks for sharing this, just what I needed :) Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you can join me tomorrow :)

  17. That is a great story and there is a lot to learn from it. I am a worrier. I shouldn't be. #bloggersbest

  18. I have never heard of that story before but I love it! I tend to worry (a lot) and I am really working on not worrying so much. I do try to focus on what I can control and try to live more in the here and now (since so often I'm worrying about things that are to come). #FabFridayPost

  19. I have never heard this story, but it really resonates with me too. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for visiting my blog recently!

  20. Hi, I’ve not heard this story before. A thought provoking post. Itcan sometimes be hard not to worry about things that are out of our control #fabfridaypost

  21. This is such a wonderful story. I haven't heard of it before. A great lesson to be learnt from.

    Thank you very much for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost

  22. This is such great advice a brilliant story! Sarah #fabfridaypost

  23. Believe it or not I never heard that story. It's beautiful and I think I shall remember this one and tell it to my grandchildren. How very inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing. Marvelous Post.

  24. I love the story! And you are right! Focus on your priorities and get things done without you know it!

  25. I love that quote and it's so true. I could have done with reading that quote as my younger self! #kcacols

  26. Never heard this before but that was very interesting and enlightening! #kcacols

  27. A great moral! Thanks for linking up at #KCACOLS hope to see you again next week.

  28. what a fab story with such an important message. things are sometimes out of our control and it doesn't help to over worry and over think #KCACOLS

  29. I'd never heard of this one but the message is lovely. x #KCACOLS

  30. This is the first time I have read this story and I absolutely love it, thank you for sharing this with me and stopping by Words that Inspire
    I'm going to share this video with my children who tend to take after their mom!

  31. I am quite the worrier and have been to that place where I've become incapacitated with worry. This is a beautiful story and I will reflect on it often. Thank you for posting.
