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Friday, September 27, 2024


Just a gallimaufry of AI-generated photos, real photos and ramblings 📸


Platform wait
Packed evening commute
Toothless is a character from the "How to Train Your Dragon" franchise, which includes books, animated films, and a TV series. He is a Night Fury dragon, known for his sleek black scales and glowing green eyes.

Isn't it  amusing to see the creative things people choose to decorate their cars with?

Dinner -  Vietnamese stew
Vietnamese beef stew, known as bò kho, is a fragrant and flavorful dish that showcases tender beef simmered with an aromatic blend of spices such as star anise, cinnamon, and cloves, complemented by lemongrass and ginger. This stew boasts a slightly sweet and savory flavor profile, enriched by the addition of fish sauce and soy sauce. It often includes carrots and sometimes potatoes, and is typically served with French baguette or rice. Unlike Western beef stew, which generally relies on herbs like thyme and bay leaf for its flavor and is served with potatoes or bread, Vietnamese beef stew stands out with its distinctive aromatic profile and lighter, more spiced broth.


Tower Bridge 2011
After watching so many movies featuring the Tower Bridge, it felt surreal to finally stand before it, as if the countless scenes I’d seen on screen had woven a dreamscape that now unfolded in vivid reality before my eyes.

The bridge’s towering presence, so familiar from countless movies, suddenly loomed larger than life. My mouse buddies couldn’t help but feel a thrill of goosebumps. 

My obsession with Stonehenge began in high school when I read Victoria Holt’s The Legend of the Seventh Virgin. The book drew me in with its vivid portrayal of ancient druidic rituals and the mystical aura surrounding the stones. I was captivated by the way the story blended history, legend, and mystery, leaving me in awe of the enigmatic monument. That early intrigue has stayed with me ever since, deepening my curiosity about the ancient past and the secrets Stonehenge still holds.

Doesn't he look great in khaki?

It's fascinating that archaeologists and researchers are still actively studying Stonehenge. While the iconic monument itself has been examined for centuries, ongoing archaeological work continues to delve into its construction, purpose, and the culture of the people who built it.

Who knows what the next groundbreaking discovery will reveal? Each new finding holds the potential to rewrite our understanding and bring us closer to the heart of this timeless enigma.


  1. The stew looks yummy. And you and the mice had a great time at Stonehenge! I hope to see it someday besides on the show Ancient Aliens.

  2. I've always been fascinated by Stonehenge, too, Veronica, and was fortunate enough to be able to visit there when I was studying British literature in college. It does hold so many mysteries still to this day. The last mouse reminds me of Indiana Jones!

  3. Love that beef stew...looks so flavourful.

  4. So much fascinating history in London and Stonehenge. You're very fortunate to be able to visit both.

  5. Bò kho sounds absolutely delicious! The combination of spices like star anise, cinnamon, and lemongrass must give it such a warm, aromatic flavor that makes it truly unique compared to Western beef stews. I love how it strikes a balance between sweet and savory, with fish sauce and soy sauce adding depth to the dish. Pairing it with a French baguette or rice sounds perfect!

    By the way, I just shared a new post on my blog. I’d be thrilled if you checked it out here!

  6. Some lovely memories and photos of your visit to England My late husband and I took our son and daughter to see Stonehenge when they were teenagers and we were all fascinated with the spectacle before us Super photos of Tower Bridge and that Malaysian stew looks delicious.
    All th best

  7. It is exciting when you see iconic places/statues/bridges in films and then see them for real. I'm assuming that is you and your family Veronica, it's lovely to see you. The stew looks delicious. Yes Mr Mouse does look great in khaki and the gorgeous little mice look like they're enjoying themselves :-)

  8. I LOVE that Toothless decoration! We are huge How to Train Your Dragon fans in our family.
