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Sunday, October 2, 2022


Just a gallimaufry of photos 📷
White buttercup (Turnera subulata)

Brazilian Potato Tree



Bath 2011
St Michael's Catholic Church  The first church built in my hometown.
With its humble beginnings as a wooden shed in 1890, the present neo-Gothic building was completed in 1924.

The Sanctuary
Sunday brunch  Dim Sum 
Dim Sum in Cantonese literally translates as  'touch the heart'. The small portions are intended to merely touch the heart but not satiate the appetite. 🧡
Little plates of heaven steaming in bamboo baskets.
Traditionally, dim sum is served from wheeled carts on small plates to encourage sampling and sharing.
These small portions enable diners to try a variety of dishes. Dim sum is best enjoyed with a large group of people.
There is always something for everyone.
Oops! Don't mind the hand! The dim sum shop we frequent is always busy, and I had to snap these pictures fast without pissing off the waiters!

Fried snacks
What's your favourite dim sum? 


My Corner of the World


  1. Dearest Veronica,
    You most often show us some beautiful images—for body and soul!
    St. Michael's Church is a true gem and I love the gold lettering outside. That adds a very special touch.
    The Dim Sum looks all yummy and one cannot go wrong on any Asian food—we both LOVE it.
    Thanks for sharing and I've never seen the Brazilian potato tree!
    And the view from your balcony looks like a painting—such beauty captured.
    Big hugs,

  2. I'm always so happy to see all the different flowers where you live, Veronica. The church was very beautiful. I love to see the skywatch from your balcony. What a view!
    Have a wonderful week ahead!

  3. Beautiful 😍

  4. That's such an amazing balcony photograph. I'm envious of your view!

  5. Dim sum is hands down, always and forever, my favourite food.

  6. Hello,
    The food looks delicious. Beautiful flowers and church. Love the sky capture from your balcony. Sorry, I am late visiting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy new week ! PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  7. I love the view from your balcony, Veronica. I don't think I would ever get tired of watching it! The Brazilian potato tree fascinated me so I did a little reading about it :) Lovely food at that brunch! Made me hungry!


  8. I'd much prefer dining on dim sum than consuming the always-too-much portions we are served here in America. I can never finish what I order!
    Blessings, Veronica!

  9. Beautiful images, Veronica. Are the Brazilian Potato tree fruits edible? And do they taste like potatoes, I wonder? The church is lovely with the outside fountain. Dim sum is delicious. I do like dumplings!

  10. The epic sky is surreal! Then the dim sums look so yum!

  11. wow, that is a VERY beautiful sky. A rare one :)

  12. Brazilian Potato Tree looks interesting with beautiful flowers...
    love it

  13. The tall buildings and the sky is my favorite, it is so stunning! What are Brazilian Potatoes? Can you eat them? You are such a good photographer!

  14. What are Brazilian Potatoes? I first thought they were limes. The sky view from your balcony is stunning and those dimsum are droolworthy!!

  15. The white buttercup flower taken at close range is so delicate and absolutely stunning! It's amazing what detail can be seen with a zoom lens! I always love all your amazing photos and I've never tried dim sum as I'm not a big traveler but all those little dishes look amazingly delicious!

  16. Hello Veronica,
    Wonderful pictures. Lovely to see all the delicious food.
    And special kind is the Brazilian Potato. Theu looks like figs.
    A nice report of pictures with a nice flowers.

    Many greetings,

  17. I especially loved the photos of Bath in this one. I've only visited once and for too short a time but I was enchanted by the city and would like to return. I didn't see this beautiful church but I will remember it for next time, for I must return. It's lovely. And that white buttercup image is spot on -- so detailed and absolutely exquisite.

  18. Oh everything looks so good.
    The sunset is a showstopper. Gorgeous.

  19. I especially love the photo of the beautiful sky shot! The closeup of the yellow flower reminds me of a pansy. First I've ever seen a Brazilian potato tree. Very interesting. All of your photos from Bath are lovely.

  20. I've never had dim sum but it looks so good. I would try it.

  21. You get to see some of the most gorgeous skies from your balcony. White buttercup is beautiful and of course I enjoyed the dim sum photos!


  22. Such wonderful photos all, love that sky and that white buttercup is beautiful!

  23. The dim sum looks yum and the flowers are so pretty! Great clicks!

  24. Bellas flores. me encanto la foto del atardecer. Y me dio hambre. Te mando un beso.

  25. An amazing collection of images - the sunset is breath taking.

  26. I love so much your photos of flowers and architecture. You have a eye for details and this photo with buildings and sky is gorgeous.

  27. All interesting photos, Veronica! I miss the white buttercup plant, as i used to have one of those. If I remember, those white flowers would close towards evening and bloom again in the morning. And, oh I love the dimsum.. they look so appetizing! ~ Ms. Donyarific

  28. What a fab lot of photos and the brilliant sunset and sky what a view yiu have, and Bath not been there for years and the lovely food

    Have a gallimaufrytastic week 👍

  29. Your dim sums look delicious Veronica. I'm note sure which I would order though and would need some expert guidance from you.

  30. Oh Veronica, the flowers are wonderful. From the potato tree I never heard for my visit here.
    Greetings from Germany

  31. A potato tree! I have to look that one up. Your Skywatch is stunning!

  32. I love your yellow-themed gallimaufry and the food looks amazing (it is almost lunch time around here and food interests me greatly :-)

  33. The buttercup flowers are so simple and pretty. Love the sky photos from your window.

  34. ...I never tire of the views from your balcony!

  35. Wow! Such a wonderful assortment of photos! Thank you so much for sharing at

  36. I usually focus on your food, but today it's the sky off your balcony. That's so beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  37. Love it.

  38. No idea that there is a tree with potatoes...
    The sky is amazing! Beautiful shot!
    Thank you, Veronica! Happy WW and a fine week!❤️

  39. Just love your gallimaufry of photos. I appreciated seeing them today.
    Visiting today from #You're The Star linky #10,11&12

    1. Also, thank you for linking up with Sweet Tea & Friends this month my friend.

  40. Dear Veronica, you show many interesting photos! Your SKYWATCH FROM MY BALCONY photos are always stunning. Your food photos make me hungry again. Unfortunately, I don't know the names of the individual dim sum dishes, but I especially like them fried. Are the fruits of the Brazilian Potato Tree actually edible?
    Thanks for answering the Kimchi question. Our homemade kimchi is now considered fully fermented. I'm getting used to the fact that it tastes so spicy. But most of all, I eat it because it's supposedly so healthy. I think I'll make the next kimchi less spicy and add carrots as well.
    Thank you very much for the kind words about the loss of our Nina!
    Very warm rust rose greetings - I wish you a wonderful October!

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  42. The ivory colored flowers on that bush are wonderful in close-up and of the whole bush! Sky views as wonderful as always and the food .... so good; I have always wanted to try a dim sum brunch but have never had the chance. It seems like a perfect way to eat... good (real) food and not too much of it.

  43. Gostei de ver estas belas e deliciosas fotografias.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

  44. I have never seen before a potato tree. And beautiful neo gothic building. It's not too old. The pictures from your travel archive are always Interesting.

  45. Your balcony sky photo is absolutely gorgeous. I never heard of a potato tree, I'll have to google it. Have a great day Veronica.

  46. Beautiful photos! I especially like the Brazilian potato tree with the pretty purple flowers!

    The dim sum made me hungry. Shrimp dim sum is one of my faves.

  47. oh that dim sum! i'd love to sit and sample with someone who knows exactly what to order. my stomach is growling even as we speak!

  48. ...Lethal beauty looks beautiful.
