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Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Just a gallimaufry of photos 📸
Rotan Ibu 
Rotan ibu in Malay translates as mother's cane. These canes, made of rotan (rattan), in a shopping mall evoke a flood of nostalgia, especially for those who grew up in an era when the saying 'Spare the rod and spoil the child' held significant weight. Back in the day, it was a common sight in many Malaysian homes and schools—a symbol of discipline and authority that left an indelible mark on childhood memories.
Haha! I can still recall my mom brandishing a rotan as she searched the neighborhood for us when we failed to return home for dinner! Ah, the memory of that mischievous escapade when we climbed a neighbor's tree, clandestinely helping ourselves to their prized rambutans!

"The important thing is that we stick together." - Buzz Lightyear


A delicate flower emerges from a rocky crevice, reminding us that we can flourish in the face of adversity.
"Even in the harshest of places, life finds a way." - Unknown


An interesting dish with a yin and yang arrangementdragon fruit salad and tofu croquettes


Magic Carpet, Trübsee Snow Park 2019

My Corner of the World


  1. That is such a cool cloud!
    Flowers are amazing in where they can bloom.
    After seeing Buzz, I'm hearing the song - You've got a friend in me!
    That rotan is interesting to see and I bet it hurt. Your story of hiding in the tree made me smile!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day, Veronica!

    Toy Story is my favourite Pixar movie.

  3. Happy Valentine Day Kak Veronica...
    Foto langit biru dan gumpalan awannya begitu indah like cotton candy..
    the dish make perfect combination between dragon and croquette

  4. These dolls lying on the car are so funny

  5. Nice photos. The cane, yes remember the cane from school, primary school as we call it down here.
    Like the car, just sold my Audi before Christmas. The dolls are cute on it.

  6. Love that picture from the sno-park.

    That memory of canes made me smile. :) The 'spare the rod' adage is a dead one, these days. :D

    And thank you for the message that comes with those flowers blooming in these harsh conditions. I could use that as motivation I so badly need now. :)

    Have a lovely rest-of-the-week, Veronica. :)

  7. The old quote you wrote down (Spare the rod and spoil the child') is also known here.
    Nice picture of that single cloud in a blue sky. That yin and yang arrangement is really nice.

    Greetings from Italy 💚🤍🧡

  8. The blue flower was very pretty. It reminds me of some bulbs I have in my garden. Beautiful sky.
    Many hugs to you, Veronica

  9. These are beautiful series of photos.
    I really like the cloud, and I also really like the dolls on the car.
    The food looks delicious.
    I enjoyed your photos.
    I wish you a beautiful Thursday.
    Greetings Irma

  10. Beautiful flowers and... meaningful teaching from mothers. 😉
    Hugs and blessings!

  11. What a nice places, thanks for your sharing

  12. Great photos, and the rotan reminds me of a smaller version of the wooden paddles that were used to keep us in line LOL

  13. I think we are all agreed that the era of beating children has become a relic of the past.

  14. Your photos are amazing, Veronica! I especially loved that cloud in the sky and the brave flowers growing out of the rock. Yes, life can flourish even in tough times. Blessings!

  15. Me encantó ver Buzz Lightyear y a Woody. Que recuerdos tan buenos de sus películas. La naturaleza buscando luz. Preciosos cielos Verónica.
    Un abrazo.

  16. all your photos are exceptionally awesome! all the details are nice, but that cloud is fascinating! 😍💗

  17. Dearest Veronica,
    Oh, soft as silk and tough as bamboo has a special meaning for you, knowing those rods.
    Love the idea of of tofu croquettes! Would LOVE to have a Dutch veal croquette...
    Flowers and plants do survive from the nitrogen in the air and rain and can surprise us many times!

  18. Those canes look fierce! Back when I was at school the cane was also used by teachers, but I never got caned, so that's something! The food looks wonderfu, too. Have a great weekend, Valerie

  19. The rotan sounds like a multipurpose stick, haha.
    The flowers growing out of the crevice are beautiful, and I love the reminder that "we can flourish in the face of adversity."

  20. Those were wonderful photos, I like the super heroes on the car. Those clouds look amazing!

  21. Woody and Buzz! What a fun thing to have on a car.

  22. I would think the rotan sticks would sting. I'm glad that corporal punishment seems to be lessening in the world, although I know it continues in many places. The cloud is beautiful! Have a good weekend, Veronica.

  23. This is a lovely variety of photos! I especially like the one with Buzz and Woody in action.

  24. Hello Veronica :=)
    What a diverse series of photos, and all of interest. The cloud, and flowers growing in the rock were great finds and very beautiful. The super hero dolls on the car are great fun, the canes of rotan must have hurt, and I'm glad that the days of caning children are over. The yin and yang meal looks delicious and the illusion of the magic carpet is a fun capture.
    Have a lovely day
    All the best

  25. Imagens bem interessantes e bonitas.
    Me chamou a atenção essa bengala de mãe adorei conhecer.
    A imagem do prato de comida está divino só resta saber
    se é gostoso.
    Obrigada pela visita lá na casa. Todo o dia primeiro de cada
    mês tem post novo.
    Bom final de semana.

    Very interesting and beautiful images.
    This mother's cane caught my attention and I loved discovering it.
    The image of the plate of food is divine, the only thing left to know is
    if it tastes good.
    Thank you for visiting the house. Every first day of every
    There's a new post this month.
    Good weekend.

  26. You took me back to my school days when we'd receive a wack on the hand from a bamboo cane when we were naughty!

    And then a poem came to mind...

    ...I wandered lonely as a cloud
    That floats on high o'er vales and hills.

  27. I was trying to work out what was on the back of the car LOL. Those sticks I think would hurt, when I was growing up my parents had a wooden spoon and that hurt too.

  28. Oh, like that Buzz and Woody hanging from the car, it's delightful. My grandgirls love Toy Story....and me too! What a pretty photo of the clouds in the blue sky. Have never heard of dragon fruit salad before. It looks Yummy. The purple flowers sprouting up from the rocks are delicate. Reminds me that gentleness is so important. Thank you for sharing the story about the canes made of rotan. Have a lovely weekend, friend.


  29. The two figures on the car were fun to see, Veronica Lee, but that magic carpet looked like even more fun!

  30. Oh my gosh those canes -- I'm glad your memories are kind of fun ones. Cute catch on the Buzz Lightyear figurines.

  31. I would think those canes would hurt, great memory. I like the toy story characters, they are fun. The flowers are so pretty and I love the clouds and the food looks yummy. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  32. Thankfully caning was a thing of the past by the time I came around.. we would still get a good slap once in a while but no canes. Lovely shot of the cloud.

  33. Great pictures. I love blue flowers.

  34. Thank you, Veronica, for Gallimaufry #114 😊 Fascinating photos as always. My favorite this time … Solitude in the Sky! John

  35. Such a fun post with so many interesting photos. The clouds and Magic Carpet really caught my eye!

  36. Thank you for sharing the fun memories from your childhood... and the dragon fruit salad and tofu croquettes looked so so good. I hope you have a beautiful week!

  37. Me gustaron las fotos de las flores y el cielo. Te mando un beso.

  38. Oh how funny Buzz from "Toy Story" our Children loved the film so much!
    The sky and clouds are beautiful and so fantastic blue sky, wonderful photos,
    greetings from Germany

  39. What nice mix of photos and info too :-)
    Have a gallimaufrytastic day Veronica 👍

  40. The Magic Carpet is named appropriately. And yes, life does sprout up from just about anywhere, which actually kind of gives me hope. :)

  41. Aquí también hubo un tiempo en que las escuelas usaban el palo, como forma de enseñanza.
    Me han gustado muchos esos cielos. Y la comida tiene que estar muy rica.
    Feliz día.

  42. What fun photographic stories! Your childhood memory about the cane, solitary talk of the clouds, fortitude of the blue flowers, etc.

  43. Both the Buzz/Woody and the flowers growing out of the rock made me smile (for completely different reasons of course).

  44. The dolls on the car is my favourite today!

  45. a fun collection of photos - love the dolls on the car

  46. ...those flowers are thriving in a hard environment!

  47. The toy story dolls sure are fun to spot! They made my day!

  48. Love the food. I always love your food. the flowers are fabulous and I love the clouds.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  49. Love the compilation and especially those plants growing in the cracks. Goes to show it can be done and we as humans should learn from it
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at #15 InLinkz #WordlessWednesday (Words also welcome). See you again next week!

  50. KL is fun! Those plants are hilarious! We often have trucks here with buzz and woody hanging off them! #Keithsrampling
