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Friday, December 29, 2023


The first thing that struck me upon arriving in Greece was the ubiquitous presence of stray cats. They lounged lazily in the shade of ancient ruins, perched majestically on whitewashed walls, and napped amidst the array of souvenirs in shops. Weaving their way through the legs of chairs, tables, and yes, humans, in bustling tavernas, these feline denizens invite companionship and capture the hearts of all fortunate enough to cross their paths.😺

What sets them apart is their remarkable openness to human affection. With a nonchalant grace, they saunter up to curious strangers, welcoming gentle strokes and tender caresses without a hint of reservation.
They seem to be an integral part of Greece's charm, making their appearances in the most unexpected places, almost like ambassadors extending a warm and playful welcome to tourists exploring the country.
Stray, abandoned, and feral cats roam throughout Greece and its islands, often born in spring and sustained by the generosity of tourists who provide them with food. When the summer season ends and tourists depart, these cats rely on the kindness of local Greeks to survive.
Most cats in Greece aren't domesticated. However, for the most part, their presence is accepted by the human population. In some instances, a cat might claim a neighborhood or a dining establishment as its domain, where they know the humans will help care for it.

Kennels for stray cats on a sidewalk
A *clowder of cats
*Such a delightful term for a group of cats
My Corner of the World


  1. Cute kitties! Happy New Year, Veronica.

  2. The cats look happy -Christine

  3. cute cats.... great collections of photos...
    Merry Christmas and heppy new year to you and yours.

  4. I am a cat lover, but I pity stray cats.
    Happy New Year to you and yours, Veronica! All the best!

  5. So many beautiful cats, Veronica! I love cats very much. I feel sorry for all the stray cats. Happy New Year!

  6. What beautiful pictures of the cats.
    There are many who have to take care of themselves.
    I feel sorry for them.
    I wish you and all your loved ones a happy new year and, above all, a healthy 2024.
    Greetings Irma

  7. Thanks for your sharing, happy new year already

  8. I can only imagine the carnage they wreak on birds and small mammals.

  9. Dearest Veronica,
    It is one of the downside things of Greece...
    Very sad that the population is not taking care of them in a more humane way and why not Trap–Neuter–Release so their population will be controllable.
    A heart–breaking sight...

  10. It is amazing how many feral cats there are in many other countries! Dogs too! Nice Shots! Happy New Year..

  11. What a beautiful collection of pictures! 🐱
    My favourite cat is the black one.
    Happy New Year to you and yours 🥂

  12. True, in Greece there are cats everywhere, and in Israel it was the same. Some people are kind to them, others not, poor kitties. Hugs, Valerie

  13. Seeing these beautiful felines made me smile today, Veronica. That fact about cats in Greece was a new one on me!
    Happy New Year!

  14. Es muy agradable ver los gatos por las calles y que sean tan sociales, se merecen que los cuiden y les den de comer.
    Bonitas fotografías.
    Te deseo todo lo mejor para este nuevo año.
    Feliz 2024

  15. I have mixed feelings about so many stray cats. I do love cats. But I wonder at how cats can overrun an area if they're left to breed. What happens to too many kittens?

  16. It's sad there are so many strays, but they seem to be well cared-for. Lots of stray dogs in Greece too, unfortunately. Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!

  17. Hello,
    I love this post, showing all the kitties in Greece. They seem well cared for and happy. It would be nice if they were caught and spayed or neutered. Wonderful photos. Take care, happy New Year's Eve. Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!

  18. These are all so cute! I'm pretty sure based on this alone my boys would LOVE Greece.

  19. Me gustan los gatos. Tenemos tres en el huerto.
    Te deseo un Feliz 2024 🥂Verónica. Que sea muy bueno para vosotros.
    Un abrazo 🤗〰〰💕

  20. Ha, ha! I love these images! Thank you, Veronica!
    Be well, my friend and have a Happy New Year!
    Hugs and blessings! ❤️😘

  21. Whenever I think of Greece, cats come to mind!

    Here's wishing you a very Happy New Year.

  22. Bellos gatitos. Te mando un beso y te deseo un feliz año para ti y tu familia.

  23. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!

  24. Loved your feline journey, thanks for sharing! Happy New Year!

  25. I love the images of such lovely kitties.
    I also remember many stray dogs in Athens.
    Happy new year!!!!

  26. What a wonderful collection of kitties and cute photos. Thank you Veronica, for sharing your link and post. I wish you and your family all the best in 2024, a happy and healthy New Year!

  27. Friendly stray cats are a rarity in these parts. If we do see them, it is just a fleeting glimpse before they run off.

  28. Happy New Year Veronica! You have posted another great Gallimaufry! Thank you so much for sharing your photos and taking us along on your travels. And thank you for your kind comments on my blog. Wishing you and yours a great 2024! John

  29. I love them all! I have to say I would be trying to look after them all. Hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year to you.

  30. Such lovely kitties, and such a lovely setting!
    Thank you for sharing at

  31. Cats are royalty!
    Happy new year!

  32. That's a lot of cats! Happy New Year, Veronica!

  33. Amazing! Wishing you and yours all the best for this new year, dear Veronica, hope it's a good one!

  34. Aww! what lovely cute kitties :-)

    Have a gallimaufrytastic 2024 👍

  35. They look healthy but I do wish there weren't so many in the streets. Sad.

  36. Me parece alucinante todo lo que cuentas y me imagino que si hay tantos gatos, es porque la gente ayuda, porque yo no he visto nada igual.

  37. I loved seeing these cats. Wow... they were literally everywhere. They kind of remind me of the cats of Rome.

  38. Spero che tu diffonda gioia e felicità ovunque tu vada tutti i 365 giorni del prossimo anno e ottenga lo stesso in cambio. Buon 2024!

  39. ...cats are popular pet the world around! Veronica, I wish you a Happy New Year.

  40. Hi Veronica,
    I've enjoyed your posts on Greece, but haven't had time to comment. Love this story on the stray cats. They sure are friendly and cute. Wish I could say the same about the stray dogs I saw in the Bahamas. May the new year bring peace and joy to you and your family.

  41. I love cats. Fine selection of them you´ve got (t)here. If I could I would take them all. Thank so much for sharing.

  42. We noticed in Greece to that there were very many stray cats, but they all looked well fed. Lovely photos of them all.

  43. Oh so cute and adorable cats here Kak Veronica....beside Kaliko, i like the grey and white one. They are healthy cats.....They have a soft eyes. Have a nice day Kak Veronica...😊

  44. The cat houses are adorable! So many cats and they all look right at home, not a care in their world. Some are really pretty too.

  45. I really like the fact that there are some stray cat shelters being left out for the cats to make use of; what a lovely idea!

  46. I would want to love them all. So precious.

    Greece is such a beautiful place.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  47. First, a belated Welcome to 2024 to you Veronica Lee and I hope it will be a wonderful year for you and your family (and everyone too). As a former cat owner, I enjoyed seeing these kitties and one even looked like a former pet of mine named Sambuca (all black, who has passed). As we live in an apt, we are pet-less now. Felines cats are allowed, but for an increase in the monthly rental, which we have decided to forgo.

  48. You might expect that this would be my favorite post! All those beautiful cats! But that ferry ride sounds just awful -- from start to finish!

  49. Oh WOW so many wonderful kitties. Turkey is really big on cats too. Ironically my land lords are from Greece and they would not let me keep my cats...

    Allie of

  50. Well, although there is nothing positive about overpopulation, my dad says he'd be in heaven if he was surrounded by so many kitties to lavish attention on. I gave him a good whap.

  51. That's very interesting how cats are so well cared for in Greece.

  52. That is very cool, who'd of thought Greece is a haven for cats.

  53. Dear Veronica, let's hope that there will always be someone to take care of the adorable cats and give them love 🥰😊
    I wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year 🍄🍀!
    All the best, Traude

  54. Lovely cats, but, they are killing birds.

  55. What a bunch of beautiful kitties! Can you imagine me going there, I'd still be there petting cats.

  56. Your Greece trip sounds so lovely, the pelican story was so beautiful and the cats are soooo cute!

    xoxo, MIDORI

  57. i love cats :) beautiful photos thank you

  58. i love cats :) beautiful photos thanks
