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Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Heidelberg, Germany

Pizza is the universal language of love. Don't you agree?

Musings Of A Tired Mummy


  1. ...and who doesn't love pizza?

  2. I do agree! Its the one food that most people love and usually available worldwide! Happy Wednesday Veronica!


  3. I agree. I agree.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  4. Yeah the pizza is always the answer

  5. This sign has a fine thought, and I do like pizza. Also excellent reflections in those windows.

  6. PIZZA!!!! Love it!!!! I've said it before & I shall say it again... YOU GO TO THE NEEDEST PLACES!!!!!! YEP, that is so RIGHT! ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE & PIZZA!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh PIZZZZZAAAAA... LOVE IT!!!! Nummy! Thanks for sharing my friend, and GREAT PICTURE & those BRIGHT pink flowers are so beautiful, don't you think?!!!

  7. I do love a good pizza! It's not something we eat very often, but it's worth the splurge every now and then.

  8. Una buona serata e una felice domenica per te.

  9. La pizza è come la musica, non ha frontiere.
    Buona giornata.

  10. I totally agree heheh!

    Have a pizzatastic week with cheese on :-)

  11. There's always one who has to be different, lol! Am a salad lover, so pizza is more for pigging out for me:) (slag for indulgent eating). Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Question, do you have a meme on Friday, or?

  12. My middle daughter was in Heidelberg with her American grandparents this past summer and they couldn't get a reservation at a restaurant, so they ate pizza! I wonder if it came from this place. My mom showed her where we used to live and where my brother and I went to school. We lived in Heidelberg for 4 years. It was my Grade 7 - 10 years. I loved living in Heidelberg! I made use of the transport system by streetcar and bus.
    Tina - Amanda's Books and More

  13. All you need is love and pizza.
    My husband would probably agree with that!
    Thanks for linking up at

  14. So much to look at! I love the one with big red Christmas globes.

  15. Thanks so much for linking up with All Seasons: a warm (edible) welcome to you with pizza! Love you are joining us, after reading your very humorous post about the Dutch cyclists:) Hope to see you there weekly and make it your "home!"

  16. Truer words were never put on a sign!! Love it!

    Thanks for taking the time to link up at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  17. Hello Girlfriend, Yep, I still love pizza... hehehehe! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!

  18. Thanks for sharing at #trafficjamweekend

  19. I could not agree more! It is one of the most beautiful foods in the world - when it is cooked properly!! #globalblogging
