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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Licitar Hearts: A Sweet Symbol of Zagreb

I thought this would be a fitting post for Valentine's Day.

Licitars are traditional Croatian gingerbread hearts, handcrafted from honey dough and decorated with vibrant red glaze, white icing, and intricate patterns. More than just cookies, they are a symbol of love, joy, and cultural heritage, even recognized by UNESCO.

A Tradition of Love

Since the Middle Ages, licitars have been exchanged as tokens of affection, especially during Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and festivals. In the past, young men gifted them to admired girls, often personalized with names or heartfelt messages, making them cherished keepsakes.

Where to Find Licitars

You can spot these decorative treats in souvenir shops, craft markets, and bakeries across Zagreb, especially during the festive season. A licitar is more than a souvenir—it’s a piece of Croatian tradition, rich in history and meaning.

Spotted this charming Gingerbread Heart display right outside our hotel room in Zagreb.

Happy Valentine's Day !!! 🌹🧡🧡🧡
My Corner of the World


  1. I've never heard of these, but they are pretty and have great symbolism!

  2. Cute. I had never heard of these before.

  3. Happy Valentine's day to you. Beautiful hearts.... are they kept as a keepsake or are they for eating??

  4. Happy Valentine's Day! Interesting treat. -Christine

  5. A sweet treat indeed with an interesting history. I am a heart collector. :)

  6. Happy Valentine's and thanks for sharing!

  7. Happy Valentine's Day to you.
    I have never seen these kind of cookies before, I think they will be very tasty.
    Greetings Irma

  8. The bread looks very nice. I'm glad your sweet AI mices are back.
    Have a great weekend, Veronica!

  9. Happy Valentine's Day to you too.
    Interesting post to read.

  10. Interesante Verónica.Me gustan los Licitars
    Buen día de San Valentín pata ti.
    Un abrazo 🤗〰〰💖

  11. I like the Croatian tradition of gingerbread hearts.
    Happy Valentine's day to you too!

  12. Oh neat! I have never heard of these before.

  13. Youre Valentins Mice are charming and wonderful sweety. This is a motive for a Valentinscard too!
    Happy Valentins Day to you and Greetings from Germany

  14. What a cool thing to know about, Veronica. Such a romantic tradition, for sure. Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. Uy que lindo corazón. ten un feliz día de san valentin

  16. That's such a wonderful and beautiful heart! Happy Valentine's Day from all of us!

  17. interesting story with nice images .....
    thanks for sharing....

  18. Do people actually eat them, or are they just decorative?
    They look too pretty to eat.

  19. Licitar hearts are such a charming symbol of love and tradition. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! 🌹

  20. It is a perfect sweet treat! Happy Valentine's Day to you!

  21. These are really particularly pretty and extremely artistic gingerbread hearts, dear Veronica - and it's perfect that you saved this story for Valentine's Day! Your two mice in love and their Licitar are so sweet, too. I also enjoyed looking at your "travel mice" in the previous post (but I couldn't have named all the places). What particularly fascinates me is how "obedient" the AI ​​seems to be with you. I often don't manage to use the AI ​​to depict all the things I want in the picture. Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less, sometimes it's wrong, even though I express myself very clearly...
    All the best and HAPPPY VALENTINE'S DAY,

  22. That's interesting, I've never heard of licitars. Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

  23. It looks very nice.
    Happy Valentines Day <3

  24. I've not heard of Licitar hearts, but what a lovely and sweet tradition. Also sweet are your AI mice! Have a happy weekend.

  25. Hello, Veronica,
    I think I'm still in time to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day! This story of these Licitars hearts is very beautiful and you're right for all its meaning I also think it made a lovely Valentine's Day post. Your little mice are adorable! Hugs and a happy weekend!

  26. Those licitars are incredibly beautiful and detailed. I'd not heard of them before and I'm so glad you shared them, especially for Valentine's day!

  27. Veronica, good morning! I hope you had the loveliest of Valentine's Days ... so grateful we get to connect over the miles.

  28. Great post!

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  29. The gingerbread hearts sound Yummy. And perfect for this wonderful holiday of love. Have a terrific February week, my friend.


  30. ♥Ach was für ein schöner Brauch das ist liebe Veronica. Herrlich so ein Lebkuchenherz. Ich komme ja aus der Stadt der Lebkuchen, aus Nürnberg, aber so ein verziertes kroatisches Herz ist natürlich wirklich Besonders♥

    Liebe Grüße
    Kerstin und Helga

  31. what a cute post! And I bet those taste delicious.

  32. I learned something new today about Licitars and such a wonderful tradition! Happy Valentine's Day month to you!

  33. Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day.

    This is the first time I've heard of the Croatian gingerbread hearts. So cute!

  34. Licitars are so cool!
    Presume you had a love ly Valentine's day!

  35. Very pretty and symbolizing what our world needs so much more of nowadays.

  36. Never read about before. A nice heart indeed. Lovely!

  37. Very cute! Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

  38. So sweet. I had never heard of licitars before.

  39. That is beautiful and we can't imagine anyone eating one!

  40. So beautiful and I love the history. Thank you for that.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  41. I love 'goodies' and sweets that have special meaning for different locales and holidays. Happy Valentines' Day a bit late.

  42. I haven't heard of these hearts, but they are beautiful - may they bring happiness and love :)

  43. What a lovely post! Licitar hearts sound like such a beautiful and meaningful tradition. The combination of rich history, craftsmanship, and the symbolism of love makes them perfect for Valentine's Day.

  44. Belated Hearts ♥️ Day wishes back to you, Veronica Lee, and I enjoy learning about licitars.

  45. I so need to get to Croatia one of these days, the way things are going it may time to leave America. I wish I could move to Paris where my step family lives and then travel to other parts of Europe. I love the that wind dial compass how cool. And your mice with face masks that is too cute!

    Allie of
