When Rodney was little, he had this cute wee mole above his right upper lip. That was his most charming feature. Females of all ages would gush over him. Everyone seemed to adore his cute mole. But as he grew, so did the mole. Mole in Malay is "tahi lalat" which translates as " housefly poop" and Rodney's mole had often been the brunt of jokes for unkind kids in his school. He hated his mole and wanted it removed.
The Hubs and I had been mulling over Rodney's request for quite some time. According to Chinese and Indian beliefs, a person's future is based on the position of moles on his/her face and removing a mole may change one's fate. Rodney's was a good mole, as it suggested abundance of wealth in his life. This mole also would bring him fame and recognition according to The Chinese Almanac. Well meaning friends and relatives advised us against the removal, Maybe it was just a coincidence but a friend became bankrupt when his business failed soon after his lucky mole was removed.
I reasoned, how could it possibly be a lucky mole when it was causing Rodney so much unhappiness? And so, against all caution, The Hubs and I decided to accede to Rodney's request.
It has been a week since Rodney had his mole lasered off. What used to be his snot-size mole is now a scab. It takes a little getting used to seeing him without his mole - he looks different! But I can clearly see that he is very much happier so I know we had made the right decision.
Abundance of wealth, women, fame and fortune, huh?
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