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Friday, May 31, 2024


Just a gallimaufry of AI-generated photos, real photos and ramblings 📸
Dubai Airport 2023

Whenever I am in an airport, my mind always wanders back to a cherished memory from 22 years ago, involving my then-kindergartener son and his beloved hedgehog, Han-Han.

For days leading up to our trip to Singapore, Son#1, inseparable from his beloved Han-Han, had been relentless in his pleas to bring his tiny companion along.

Despite my attempts to reason with him, he remained adamant, insisting on Han-Han's presence. As we stood in line at the immigration department, waiting to get our passports made, with the pressure mounting, I found myself at wit's end.

It was then, in a moment of frustration, that I blurted out, "Han-Han can't come along because he has no passport." Surprisingly, this simple explanation worked like a charm, putting an end to the relentless pestering. With Han-Han comfortably settled in a pet hotel, we embarked on our journey with a very relieved and happy boy.

AI-generated images inspired by Han-Han

Drunken La La - clams cooked in a flavorful sauce with Chinese rice wine
The "la la" clam, commonly known in Malaysia by its local name, is referred to as the Asiatic hard clam or simply hard clam in English. The scientific name for this species is Meretrix meretrix. These clams are known for their hard shells and are a popular choice in various seafood dishes across Southeast Asia.

If you've seen Me Before You or read the novel by Jojo Moyes, you know what the bumblebee tights are all about, right? In the book and film, the bumblebee tights symbolize Louisa's independence—and her vivacious spirit—that which Will encourages her to fully embrace and to, in his words, “live boldly.” 
I read the book twice, watched the movie for the umpteenth time and yet, I still find myself reaching out for the tissue every single time!

Inspired by the ending cafe scene from the movie "Me Before You".
Louisa wears the bumblebee stockings as she sits at a cafe in Paris, reading Will's letter.

"Wear those stripy legs with pride...."


Back in 2009, rumours of a mermaid that was washed ashore on a Malaysian island spread like wildfire across the nation. There was even a short video clip of the mermaid lying dead on a beach. 

Turned out, the purported mermaid was a sculpture by artist Juan Cabana. Quite frankly, I was a little disappointed. I had wanted to believe that mermaids were real and that one was discovered at long last. 

And why not? The existence of merpeople really is quite plausible for 2 reasons:

1. Mermaid tales have existed across all cultures since time immemorial, long before the different cultures interacted with one another. Paintings, poems and sculptures of these amphibious maidens sometimes found in Indian temples are evident that such creatures are more than just a figment of the imagination.

2.The ocean covers 71 percent of the Earth's surface and contains 97 percent of the planet's water, yet more than 95 percent of the underwater world remains unexplored. Who really knows what's down there in those bottomless mid-ocean trenches? After all, two new whale species were discovered only in recent years.

Growing up, my first mermaid tale was the one Grandma used to tell before tucking us to bed. According to Chinese mythology, sailors loved to trap mermaids to sniff out their tails. Simple minded though beautiful, they were easy to snare. Their tails were naturally purple and smelled of happiness but would turn to red and smell of sadness when they were unhappy. Mermaids in Chinese literally translates as 'beautiful human fish'.
AI generated
If mermaids were real, I believe they aren't the alluring beautiful creatures we grew up imagining and would probably look more like monsters than Ariel.

Baby boomers, remember the black and white photograph of a 'reverse mermaid' that made quite a splash circa 1973? I was in fifth grade when a classmate brought the picture to school. The creature in the photo had a fish’s head and the hips and legs of a fully-developed woman.
For a very long time, I never knew for sure if the mysterious entity was fake. It did look kinda fishy! It was only until recently that I googled and learned the reverse mermaid was indeed a hoax that originated in or around Yemen during the early 1970s. The story behind the hoax until today is still undisclosed.

The whimsy in me wants to believe that mermaids along with dragons, unicorns, werewolves, vampires, fairies.... exist simply because they represent the unknown, the mystical, the supernatural. Maybe they are not what we have in mind but they are definitely out there, elusive, lurking in the twilight place between land and sea.
Do you believe in mermaids?

#AIart #GenerativeArt #NeuralNetworkArt #ComputerGenerated #AlgorithmicVisuals #DigitalCreativity #MachineLearningArt #SyntheticIllustrations #AutomatedDesign #CreativeAlgorithms #AIEnhancedGraphics #AlgorithmDrivenArt #DigitalGenerativeArt #AIGeneratedGraphics #ComputationalCreativity #CreativeCodingArt #DeepLearningImagery #VirtualArtwork #CreativeAI #ArtificialIntelligenceArt


  1. Oh my dear Veronica,
    you are a KI-Artist-Expert (I created a new word maybey ;-).I am amazed and admire your pictures there are beautiful.
    Mermaids ... I like the original Story vom Hans-Christian Andersen "Die kleine Meerjungfrau" and the Movie from Disney "Arielle" I think you know the movie?
    Greetings from Germany

  2. I read Me before you some years ago

  3. I love those clams...haven't had them in ages. I must check the movie out..hopefully I can find it on netflix.

  4. I loved your story of your son and HanHan. The photos were adorable.
    I also enjoyed Me before You, the book and the movie.
    I don't believe in mermaids but I think they are fun, along with unicorns, dragons, fairies... :)

  5. I'm impressed of all the beautiful photos you show, Veronica. Take care, and have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Hi Veronica! I’ve got to love what AI came up with for your post. My experience with AI generated images (so far somewhat limited) has taught me that the quality of the result depends largely on the quality of your request. You’ve got it perfected! Very neat post and my favorite part is when you said, “Han-Han can't come along because he has no passport.” You’re brilliant! 😊Have a great weekend, Veronica, and take care. John

  7. Dearest Veronica,
    In 1983 I was at the Dubai Airport during a stop–over from Jakarta to Amsterdam.
    Han–Han is a lovely story and your son no doubt loves this post!
    Your images instill our fairytale imagination from childhood in us—we never ought to let that go!

  8. Funny memory of Han-Han. I loved mermaids growing up.

  9. Loved your stories and AI creations, Veronica. So whimsical and appealing to those of us who allow our imaginations to spread their wings and fly.

  10. Sure I believe in mermaids, and sirens as well!! I love the story of the your son's lovie having no passport.

  11. Surely there is enough beauty in life without AI. These images do nothing for me. Nothing at all.


  12. The food looks fantastic.
    I love the photos with the cute hedgehog.

  13. I don't believe in mermaids and other creatures per se (I've seen too many hoaxes so my default position is that any sighting is a fake), but I don't rule them out as having existed on another plane of existence. There are other worlds. There are other dimensions. Who knows what amazing creatures exist there?

  14. I love Han-Han, and of course the other pictures. but i'm sticking to my 'real' photos and paintings, I am not a friend of fake, and I think the Ai pictures could be used with bad consequences. Hugs, Valerie

  15. Your posts are so elaborated since you've started to use the generated images! I like the mermaids and even I did not saw one, I believe they exists!
    A good start in Summer, dear Veronica! Gugs and blessings! ❤️😘

  16. Looks like a very busy airport. I think we call clams cockles here, they look similar in shape and size.

  17. I like the horses on the mural. The pipi dish is nostalgic for me

  18. That was a fun story about the hedgehog and fun art too! Those clams do look wonderful. Yes, I've often wondered why so much of the oceans seems to be ignored.

  19. I'm waiting for the day that some mythical creatures are finally found. Seeing the kinds of paranormal books I read, it's no wonder I'm ready for some mythical creatures like mermaids to surface.

    The food looks great.

    I love the mice, and hedgehogs.

  20. Me gusto la historia del erizo y su imagen. Bellas sirenas. Te mando un beso.

  21. Hello, Veronica, I like #12 image best in this post – fantastic! I think Mermaid could exist as there must be many unknown creatures on earth. Japanese 海女 (literally meaning women of the ocean), female freedivers who have contributed the success of the Mikimoto pearls, are like mermaids.

  22. Beautiful series of photos, including those with AI.
    The food looks delicious.
    Greetings Irma

  23. These are lovely AI images. Like your food you have showed.
    The mermaid story is nice...

  24. Sempre fotografie molto belle, i Cavalli sono stupendi.
    Buon inizio Giugno

  25. I've always loved Mermaids. In fact, I used to have a small collection of them, but with downsizing and moving through the years, they were given away. They were very popular at one time when I had my collection. The Mermaid photo with the purple tail is so pretty. And I enjoyed hearing about the Mermaid tale your Grandma used to tell you before tucking you into bed.

    Have a restful weekend, my friend.


  26. You were one very quick on the draw and smart mom to come up with the passport reason for Han Han's reason to stay home. Well done -- I'm not sure I could have come up with anything to real and so quick! I would like to believe in fairies, elves and mermaids -- werewolves and vampires, not so much!

  27. Beautiful photos, I love the horse mural at the airport. The food does look yummy. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  28. Me ha encantado este post. Precioso el mural de los caballos y muy simpáticos los ratoncitos con la IA. Las almejas se ven deliciosas
    Gracias por estar Verónica.
    Buen domingo.
    Un abrazo.

  29. AI generates photos look so adorable.... perfect work.

  30. Hello Veronica, I am just stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  31. You created some wonderfully magical images.

  32. I liked the book mutch better then the movie

  33. Thank you for sharing at

  34. These are fab what a great mix too with some humour thrown in :-)
    Have a gallimaufrytastic week 👍

  35. I loved the gorgeous palm trees inside the airport, these add such a lovely ambiance. The la la clam dish also looks particularly tantalizing... I need to try this someday!

  36. Those hedgehogs are so cute! I love the mouse in front of the Eiffel Tower.

  37. The clams look yummy! Your AI generated images are fabulous!

  38. Your hedgehog story reminded me of how when I was a kid (a few years older than your son), I created a passport for my favourite stuffed toy so that it could travel with me across the border. LOL.

  39. What a cute little Hedgehog. It's amazing what you can do with AI now.

  40. Pure and airport drawing Veronica.

  41. Oh, Han-Han was a REAL hedgehog! I would have thought it was a stuffed animal! ;-DDD A fascinating story, dear Veronica!
    I really enjoyed following your AI images and the thoughts associated with them. I myself don't believe in mermaids and the like - I think sailors of the past confused seals or other sea creatures with people or mythical creatures. Myths arise when people can't explain things or when they try to wrap complicated processes or warnings in simple, child-friendly stories. But I like these stories (mostly).
    All the best, Traude

  42. thanks

  43. This hedgehog is so sweet :D I love it!

  44. You found the most delightful way to tell your son his pet couldn't go on your trip! Brilliant thinking! Love the wall mural of the horses at the airport and TFS all the great photos - especially the mermaid fish/human I'd never heard about. Computers and Photoshop weren't even invented back then, so that's a real mystery how that photo came to be LOL

  45. What a delightfully entertaining post, my dear Vero. <3
    Loved reading about your pet Hedgehog. Had no idea they were kept as pets too! Lol

    Lovely recco of the book and film. Heard so much, but never watched or read it. Will watch it for sure. And possibly grab a copy too.
    My younger one turned 16 and I hope to watch Dead Poet's Society with her and this one. She is studying also with English Literature among others.

    I do believe in Mermaids for sure. :)
    I believe in magic. Period. There is more to it the meets the eye.

    Biggest hugs and kisses my precious.

  46. I plan to write a novel about mermaids someday. What a whimsical travel post!

  47. You are very good at AI art! I love those pictures of the Arabian horses at Dubai airport.

  48. I love the story of your son and Han Han. You came up with the perfect solution to the problem of the hedgehog traveling.
    I have not watched the film nor read the book, but it sounds like a good story. I hope your week is going well, Veronica.

  49. Now I want to read 'Me Before You' and I want some food. :D
    The Han-Han inspired photos are so sweet!! <3

  50. Mom doesn't want to fly at all. She flew all over the world for years and years and now she prefers to get in the car and drive with us pups. Just going to the airport to pick someone up gives her anxiety. Not sure if she will ever fly again.

  51. ...the mermaid takes me back to Maui.

  52. Sometimes, us. adults think too hard. A simple answer is all it takes. Like Han-Han experience, I would dread driving home after a long day of work with the kids bickering. Normally I would yell and tell them to be quiet. On one particular ride home, I was just too tired to yell. I simply turned on the blinker and pulled over to the shoulder and stopped. The kids kept bickering. But slowly they began to stop. 'What's wrong mom' was there response. I said let me know when you two have stopped and then we can go. Worked like a charm. Now if they argue and I turn the blinker on, they tell me they are done. :).

    I am happy to know I was not the only one to have had to experience a stressful moment to learn this technique!

    Take care and best wishes.

  53. Beautiful, beautiful and beautiful and I love all the food. You know how I love your food.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  54. Those are all so very interesting.

  55. Beautiful memories.
