Sunday, April 26, 2020

Because Sometimes We Need A visual

image via Twitter

Stay home, stay safe!

And stay SANE!

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  1. Indeed be safe and like I said before be sane. Read of 2 events here in the states of relatives killing other relatives because of conflicts about social distancing. The true tragedy of this virus is not the virus itself which is bad in itself, don't get me wrong, but how people are managing through it. I fear more suicides and there is already talk of the increase of domestic violence and child abuse.


  2. Umarım en kısa zamanda bu virüse karşı bir aşı geliştirilir...

  3. i am staying home and i hope most everyone else is too. be safe.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. We've been home for almost two months now. Stay well. ♥

  5. It's creepy!
    I think like Betty about the tragedy of this virus.
    All the best! <3

  6. Doing OK with staying home and staying safe, but not sure I'm staying sane!!! (Of course this isn't a huge change from my baseline...)
    Thank you for sharing at

  7. I been self isolating it seems forever heheh! but needs to be done, nice photo, I have never seen it so quiet here in central London

    Have a stay in safetastic week 😷😷😷

  8. Good picture. Our hearts have all been breaking around the globe as we look at what is happening in New York. I'm hoping you are now past the worst of it.

  9. We all stay home and in the lockdown mode!

  10. At first glance this visual looks interesting look ... but after observing that it is a corona virus sphere, so afraid to see it.

    Imagine if if you pass the road then our bodies are surrounded by this deadly virus ..

    Stay safe


  11. When will we be back to normal again? I hope soon.
    Stay safe and well.

  12. That picture rather brings it home. Big nasties invading our lives. We are staying safe and sane at the moment. I'm sure you will too Veronica.

  13. I'm sure we wouldn't want to go out in that.

  14. We've been staying home, but everyone around here has had enough!! Things have to return to normal at some point.

  15., I would not go out! Thanks for the good reminder.

  16. impressive photo. hope it ends soon.


  17. Yes, because as an essential keyworker I have to, so everybody else please stay home. Thank you. ♥nic

  18. That's even more powerful because at first I thought it was a street full of flowers and thought, "Yeah, I'd go out to see that."

  19. Hope you stay safe and well. I've been staying home most of the time and can do this for a while longer.

  20. It's a real good and scary visual

  21. Been hiding from the virus. Hope it is tamed soon.

  22. It's good that visual is not seen here, because I think I would take a stick or something else, and start demolishing it, one by one! Only know you believe in God, but i don't know about the details. For me, the whole Bible is true, and I believe that also in this time there are prophets who hear from God.
    This week I listened to one on Youtube, and he had a vision that he was taken to a lob in China, where the virus was created! This person is so prophetic, he knows people's names, addresses, their family members, their sicknesses. So, in short, when he says something, I believe him. His vision is not a big surprise, because some have already suspected this, but I now realize how evil this whole thing is. I pray that you soon will be able to get out, and enjoy the outside:):)

  23. This is true my friend. We need to realize that while we're at home things may look normal, but when we go out and people have masks... it's not a hold up (at least I hope not)!!! Our world has changed & it will never be the same. Thousand of people have died and so many have been touched by this. Worry and it constantly being on our minds & scared for our family, our children. Things will never be the same. What do your tell your children when they're afraid or when you go to bed at night did you always pray? I did, but prayer is a lot longer now. I pray to the Lord not only for my family, but for my relatives and friends and the people who are helping others. God bless them and God bless you my friend... stay safe!

  24. A view of hell.
    Stay well you too, Veronica!

  25. Good morning, how are you? I am Brazilian and I am looking for new followers for my blog. I can follow you too.

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  26. Boa tarde Verônica comecei a seguir o seu blog. Muito obrigado por ser uma seguidora do meu.

  27. I'm pretty sure sensible fold wouldn't but there would always be exceptions!

    Thanks for taking part at 'My Corner of the World' this week! It's good to see you.

  28. I wish everyone could see that to realize how serious this is. Stay healthy.

  29. No one would dare to...... but its a fact. One has no idea what they are carrying or even surrounded by. Welcome to the world of micro-organism.

  30. I haven't been off the premises for 6 weeks apart from a medical appointment and won't be for at least another 6 weeks.

  31. I’ve been sticking pretty close to home. I walk in my own neighborhood and i go to the neighborhood market.

  32. Hello it's my first time on your blog and yes! This is a very good representation of how dangerous it is to go outside! And worse, these monsters even stick to our clothes and can be brought home to our families arghhhh!
    Stay Safe Veronica and virtual hugs from the Philippines!

  33. That is a creepy graphic image but one which needs to be drummed into people's heads... they need to get how real the scenario is and how easy it is to become infected in this time.

  34. Now I know what it is, but honestly when I saw a picture of the virus for the first time it looked like a beautiful flower, now I think it looks not so beautiful anymore. I think I wouldn't go out if it is hard like hail ! We are locked in since March 13 !!

  35. well, this doesn´t apply only to C. If every virus around us would be visible you would not dare do anything. They are all around us every moment of our lives. Some are bad as our bodies don´t recognize them, others we are already used to and immune.

  36. To stay sane is the most important to discover the difference between
    reality and illusions!
    All the best in your world! Cheers!

  37. Doesn't matter, I'm not going out right now even if they open stores. We only do take-out food once a week, do grocery pickup in the parking lot and we have been to the drug store three times in six weeks. That's been plenty for me. We do walk daily but we physically distance if we pass anyone, which is rare. I want to have this done for me and everyone else, so I'm doing my part by staying home. - Margy

  38. We've been staying in since March 27th. We are allowed to walk with a 2km radius from our home. Stay safe!

  39. We stay home except to walk and pick up groceries once every 10 days or so. And wear masks when we go out .

  40. Yes: there would still be a few who would! #TrafficJamWeekend

  41. Scary!!!!!!!

    Yet some don't care.

    How are things Veronica?

    Love and light.
