Sunday, March 22, 2020


Lockdowns, hospitals and morgues overwhelmed. empty shelves, xenophobia, a masked society, world chaos...

Our lives are thrown out of whack...


It's like waking  up in the middle of the movie "Contagion"...


I  am inclined to believe that there is a silver lining when adversity knocks on the door. Things always happen for a reason.

I believe too, that God allowed this pandemic to return us to our true priorities — to the God who loves us, our families and the friends He has given us.

Mother Earth is given a chance to reboot  — to purge off  human pollution, to heal and  to rejuvenate.

"Since the lockdown: Venice's canals have become crystal clear. Italy coasts have dolphins coming nearer and nearer. Japan now has deer roaming free in the streets, and Thailand: the same with monkeys. China has record breaking pollution cuts. The Earth has already began showing signs of amazing things that are happening from the absence of human pollution. What if- and hear me out..- what if the entire human population used this as an opportunity to restart society on a greener, more environment conscious foot. What we're seeing in the span of a couple of days is amazing. A pipe dream "    - Gina Mayer

Swans have returned to the canals and dolphins have been spotted in the port.

In the meantime, sometimes the only things that can get you through these uncertain and  tumultuous times are a little laughter and a whole lot of friendship.

Fortunately, here in blogosphere, we needn't adhere to social distancing rules —  we can send virtual hugs and kisses as much as we'd like!

Sharing my go-to hymn whenever my head is in turmoil.

The words and melody never fail to sooth me.

Let's get through this together. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  1. Bazen bir rüya olduğunu düşünüyorum, sokaklar boş evlerde her akşam haberleri izliyoruz hayat sanki durmuş gibi...

  2. totally love this post!
    Hope you stay healthy and safe
    style frontier

  3. Thanks for posing that hymn.
    A lovely post.
    We are in this together
    Keep well

  4. It is a pity that we needed some virus to wake up and appreciate what we have :(

  5. Amen to that! Prayed this morning that during this time of isolation people would find ways to connect to God through the Bible or podcasts or some way to learn of his great love for us. This too will pass!


  6. Hang tough, dear pally. This too shall pass. Just keep looking for the silver linings in all of this. They are there...we just have to keep looking for them.

  7. thanks for sharing some positive thoughts
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. I like your post I think everything needs a reboot would be so easy if it could ;-)

    I enjoyed that photo too

    Have a safetastic week :-)

  9. I agree.. has horrible as all of this is.. and to all those losing their lives and their loved one. It terrible..
    But then there is the other side of the pandemic.. where it is not so horrible.. if that makes any sense.

  10. Well said. I think you're right about this.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Stay well. ♥

  11. Love that photo!
    Thank you for sharing at

  12. Yes, let's get back to where we should be...spending time with our children, slowing down. Loved the photos and quote.

  13. I'm amazed the Venice canals have changed enough in such a short time to attract swans!

  14. For a change the whole world is on the same page.

  15. It's a nice thought that we will return to being nice. After seeing the behaviour of many "people" I do not share your optimism Veronica.

  16. Nature is getting back its space...
    All the best to you too, Veronica!

  17. Yesterday as I was working on typing a blog post on a rainy day, the sun suddenly appeared. I raced outside to look east and, sure enough, there was a rainbow. what a beautiful sign of promises kept and new beginnings!
    We will get through this.

  18. Thanks for the uplifting turn around. I hope things get better. They can only get better if they are down, right? I saw that China's pollution was really cut down with Google maps. Maybe this is the environments way of saying that we needed this.

  19. It's great to find some positive things coming from this negative time on the earth. Thanks for sharing your hymn.

    I'm so happy you are a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!

    My Corner of the World

  20. Stay well wishes to you and your family!

  21. Hello,

    It appears the environment is happy about this lock down of humans. I have seen some of the photos showing the new outcome, it is amazing. Take care, stay well. Enjoy your day!

  22. Love, love this post--as well as the hymn and quote.
    Stay well!

  23. Fortunately there is a positive side of the Virus confinement, but for humans it's not good to be locked in for such a long time. Especially in crowded cities. I shouldn't complain I live in a house with a garden around but for the once in the big cities it must be hell !

  24. Swans are definitely a symbol of hope and renewal.

  25. Hello,
    As bad as the situation is, there is something positive about it.
    The air becomes cleaner and the environment can relax.
    As you wrote, there were also nearby
    All the best and stay healthy.
    Greetings Eva

  26. Sorry friend, somehow your comment yesterday was one of two, that landed in the spam folder, and I did not see it till I was going to bed. But wow, a killer post!
    Since the week is almost gone for the linky's of All seasons (did you forget to link?),
    PLEASE, link this post beginning (Sunday or Monday) to All Seasons!!! We need your INPUT of this current situation, and it will set many to thinking, even when they don't respond, because "they don't believe" in these kind of things, or are overcome with fear. Hope from the bottom of my heart you will do it! Many thanks!

  27. That's just wild about the Venice canals, isn't it. It's wonderful you have a go-to hymn. There are a few things this bad movie have done for me already but it sure isn't worth the trade off.

  28. Dear Veronica,

    Love your hopeful post and the music is balm to my soul.

    Yes, this surely is a wake up call for us to treat the planet with more tender loving care and to be there for those we missed out in the hullabaloo of life.

    The earth is indeed reclaiming. Big love and big hugs to you my friend.

    Thank you for this beautiful post. xoxox

  29. Loved this post, Veronica! I absolutely have to agree with you that this pandemic has made us get back to our priorities and as the Earth heals, so shall we. The learning and the wisdom have come at a cost, though!

    Stay safe, my friend and let's pray that the world recovers from this sooner and we can all reclaim our lives sooner than we think.

    Prayers for the world!

  30. Love this post!! it is just what one needs to hear in the middle of this - and so exciting to hear of all the good changes!!

  31. Despite the chaos and tragedy brought by this pandemic, I also believe there is a silver lining. I just hope that this really changes us and we don't forget about it after things go back to normal. Take care!

  32. Indeed, I hope we learn from this and build a better world.

  33. Sooo very true! in Jakarta, we have bluer skies here and there..and far less traffic! I like that!
