Friday, June 1, 2018

Guess What This Is...

My son, Josh, got me this for Mother's Day.
Can you guess what this is?
It's a mini Durian cheesecake!

The "thorns" are made of matcha butter icing and the "flesh" is durian cheese cream.

Nice! But a tad too sweet for me. The smell? Well, durian is durian!

Real Durians
Haha!  Watch this cat's reaction to durians.

Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday


  1. It certainly does look interesting! Would be fun to try at least a bite of it!


  2. I've seen this fruit before. I've never tried it though.

    I loved the cat. I laughed out loud. I also linked this post to Feline Friday.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  3. I guessed it! I've never had durian. I don't think we have it here.

  4. Looks interesting I have never had that before.

    LOL @ the cat what a drama queen hahaha!

    Have a fruitytastic week :-)

  5. I have never even heard of a Durian! Will have to google it! Thanks for stopping by NanaHood!

  6. I knew what it was instantly, because I have lived in SE Asia, and eaten a lot of smelly Durian fruits in my day. What a wonderful looking cake. I hope it tasted great. :D

  7. Muy curioso y extraño. Feliz #MM, Happy #WW

  8. I certainly have a sweet tooth for sure. I bet I'd love this! I've never seen anything like it before.

  9. Ha! I thought it was a frosted cake!~cheers

  10. O-M-G!!! I LOVE THE CAT! HE'S ADORABLE (OR SHE)! AND OH SO FUNNY!!! I PLAYED YOUR VIDEO OVER AND OVER JUST TO WATCH KITTY'S EYES AND FALLING OVER!!! BWAHAHAHAHA I CANNOT STOP LAUGHING! I haven't laughed this hard in I don't remember when... thank you for sharing!!! I've never heard of your Durian... anything!!! Great kitty...

  11. Looks interesting. I've never seen anything like this before. Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you can join me tomorrow :)

  12. Thought it was durian related. I used to work in a greengrocers and the smell was legendary ;-) #FabFridayPost

  13. I had to google it as I've never heard of them and now I know why they've never been seen in our local supermarket! They are very pretty looking though and that dessert is beautiful

  14. Thanks for sharing this cultural delight #GlobalBlogging

  15. I've never heard of durian before! No idea if it is available in the UK so off to google it! Thanks for linking up with #global blogging

  16. I remember being at high school and my teacher had been travelling and she told us all about the durian fruit. I have yet to try it myself. Sarah #FabFridayPost

  17. That looks like a wonderful cheesecake. I've heard of the way Durian smells though --- poor cat!

  18. Oh, just remembered this post again. On Tuesdays, I do Tummy Tuesday blog hop. If you want to add the link for the Durian Cheesecake post, go to the bottom of the post

  19. Duriaaaaaan! My hubby loves it so much but I can't take it anymore. It's just too strong for me. And to think that I'm coming from Lampung, Sumatra, which produces one of the best durian kampong back home!

  20. It looks beautiful! I have never seen anything like this before! Thanks for sharing! #KCACOLS

  21. Wow, that's amazing! Thought it sounds a bit too sweet for me too. But what a fab idea. Thanks so much for linking up at #KCACOLS. Hope you come back again next time!

  22. I have to admit that no matter how long I stared at that picture, I never would have guessed that! #KCACOLS

  23. Amazing! We lived in Japan for a couple of years so I'm quite familiar with durian - don't like them though! Hope you enjoyed the cheesecake #KCACOLS

  24. Brilliant looking cake! I recognised it straight away in the thumbnail - that's why I swung by. I love in Singapore there are signs not to take Durian on trains or elevators. Cracks me up. Poor stinky Durian. #KCACOLS

  25. I have never even heard of a durian! Looks so intriguing! #KCACOLS
