Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Battle Of The Messy Room

My teen son's room!

Are your kids as messy as my son? Do you just give in or do you have firm rules about how they keep their rooms?

This week's cookies


  1. Cute cookies :) Very unique with the design of them :) Yep with the kids' rooms :) When they were younger, it used to stress me out but the older they got and we had more "battles" to fight, I kind of looked the other way when it came to their room. If they were happy with it, then it was okay :) Son before he moved out at the age of 25 still kept a messy room; will have to ask him how his room is now :)


  2. My boys are only small, but i guess this will be my future :-) x
    New post: http://nancy-mulhouse.blogspot.be/2015/04/its-black-white-affair.html

  3. Goodness it looks like you where in my kids room. They are so messy and are just fine with it. I on the other hand walk into the room and a switch goes off...I immediately get in a bad mood so I walk right back out when it's that bad. Which is most of the time. A few times I've walked in and slip on a hanger left on the floor in the middle of the room. Ugh! I try yelling, coaxing, motivating nothing seems to work. Let me know when you find a fool proof solution because I could sure use one. :)

  4. Oh kids and their mess!! My two girls have awful rooms. It often looks like a tornado passed through them. You can't see the floor and their beds are piled high with stuffed animals!! I hate it, but this too shall pass. I try to remind myself they will grow up and someday I will miss their childhood mess. In the mean time, I will nag them constantly to pick up!!

  5. omg! i don't know if I could handle my kids rooms looking like that..
    my kids are still little but i seriously hope their rooms do not look like that..ever.
    Even know if threaten my toddler about throwing his things away if he doesn't put them away.. and he has seen me sell some of his baby things so he just may think I am serious about it.. fingers crossed.

  6. My second oldest was so messy. My teen daughter is now the messy one.

    They grow up and outgrow it. Until then, I close the door. ;)

    That being said, I do throw in little mentions here and there about how it's time for them to clean up a bit. :)

  7. My youngest is. He's artsy. The other one is more of a reader. Isaak gets craft stuff everywhere.

  8. Amazing. Pinned and tweeted. We appreciate you being a part of our party. Please stop by on Monday at 7 pm. Happy Saturday! Lou Lou Girls

  9. Aw! I remember those days well.
