Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sushi Cats

These sushi cats are created by Japan-based company Tange & Nakimushi Peanuts. And if you are wondering why on earth those kitties are sushified, here's the explanation from their website.

What is “Neko-Sushi”?

Neko-Sushi is an extremely unusual life-form consisting of a cat on top of a portion of sushi rice.
Although several references have come down to us through history from various researchers and witnesses, their existence is still shrouded in mystery and actual sightings remain rare.
There are several academics who have devoted their lives to the study of these creatures. According to a number of these, Neko-Sushi make use of gaps in space to come to us from an alternate dimension. Beyond these “gaps” lies the world of the Neko-Sushi in which, it is recently understood, lies the true identity of the cats that dwell with us here in the human dimension.


Sushi topped with a kitty and, anyone?


  1. LOL... how cute!! Some of those cats don't look very happy to be a piece of sushi.

  2. I have never seen one in my whole life until now. Your blog's often got new things to discover. :)

  3. That's so interesting and funny

    New follower from Aloha Friday Blog HOP ;)
    Hope you will follow back

  4. ha! I think they are pretty cute! I'll have to see if my kitty will pose for such a pic... O.o

  5. rofl love the one in the orange tie LOL

  6. They look very cute. I hope they are not really meant to be eaten as part of Sushi.

  7. These are both cute and horrifying at the same time.
