Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dave Engledow - World's Best Father

When his daughter Alice Bee was born in 2010, photographer Dave Engledow knew that he wanted to document her life creatively and put together a collection of photos that she would treasure as an adult.  He wanted to portray the absent-minded new father, dazed, sleep-deprived and clueless - a parody of the father he hopes he'll never become.
Each photo has Engledow humorously holding a “World’s Best Father” coffee mug.
Dave is also raising money on Kickstarter to fund the creation of his World’s Best Father 2013 calendar and offers great backer rewards for those who help out.
His wife, Jen, helps in creating most of the images, ensuring that Alice Bee is always safe and happy.
more photos @ Facebook or Fotoblur 


  1. I love these images. Creative, funny, a treat!

  2. Ha!! Love it!! What a funny way to capture moments, very creative idea.

  3. Hahaha! Oh, those are really cute!

  4. Seeing all these I'm suddenly in a very good mood! Thanks a lot!
    Funny ideas indeed but who did the photos,or are they prepared in a photo lab? Anyway,love them a lot !!!! How about you? How are the boys and in which classes are they ?
    Dana is in the 5th class(Elementary school) and,yes, the photo you saw is like an uniform!
    We send you our love,aunty Veronica.

  5. Hilarious post! Stopping by from MBC - thanks for visiting my blog :)

  6. I saw some of these photos making the rounds on Facebook!! Very creative for sure..though some of them actually look scary!! :D

  7. OH my gosh....this was hilarious. I am literally rolling!!!

  8. thank you so much for sharing these.. they are just too funny!!!!

  9. These are so cute, thanks for sharing! Stopping by from Aloha Friday hop :)


  10. Ooh my goodness. I love it. What a sense of humor. I love that he is using Kickstarter to fund his project. Lots of cool stuff is coming from there.

  11. some of the funniest pictures i have seen in a long time. I will be sharing this with my wife, ideas spring to mind lol....
