Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Angry School Photographer

This sweet and short film by Nick Scott received 800,000 views in six days. It's about a cynical, jaded school photographer who is having a bad day and attempts to wipe the smiles off the kids' faces. He tells one little boy to repeat after him, “The banking crisis means I’ll never afford a home.” Next, he crushes a little girl but telling her “there isn’t a pet heaven” and another "you don't get pocket money, you have to work hard every day". He continues to dish up one reality check after another until a cute persistant red-head got him smiling.

The kids' expressions are priceless! It shows that sometimes, no matter how much you want to bring people down there's always someone there who wants to keep you up. A wonderful Christmas message for all in these pretty gloomy times.


  1. Ah, she's impossible to resist. Just what that sour puss needed :)

  2. That was hilarious and so darn cute!

  3. This was adorable--thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. That's really supercute! What an adorable little girl

  5. That is how I feel sometimes with E! I yell at him, he gives me a questioning look, then bats his big eyes at me... then smiles and well, the rest is erased away! :) I can never be angry too long! Thank goodness for children like this red-headed cutie pie who eventually breaks down that "angry" side of us... so temporary! :)

  6. Precious! Kids are kids no matter what! She was beyond smile worthy!

  7. You've won One Lovely Blog Award from The Demon Stole My Pencil. Stop by later today to pick up your button and nominate 15 other blogs for this honor.



  8. Maybe that's what I should do to my grumpy students that hardly want to smile. I only have a few of those. I could just smile at them all day long.

  9. So cute! Love the message behind it as well!

    Stopping by from the Haute Mama blog hop....thanks for sharing!
