Thursday, April 22, 2010

Eric Daigh - Push-Pin Portraits

Michigan based artist Eric Daigh creates these portraits by pushing thousands of coloured pins into a notice board.

Using only five colours in each picture , the 32-year-old artist holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest push pin mosaics.


  1. Those are incredibly cool looking!

  2. That is really amazing!! He copies them to a "T"!

  3. These are really cool! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I'm enjoying reading yours and am now following you. I especially want to eat those shoes. Yum.

  4. Wow! Those are awesome.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Newly following you. :)

  5. So how does one begin realizing their talent for push-pin art?? And do you get a lot of stuck fingers?? Where does he find all the colors?? I can only find the bright primary colored push pins.

  6. I would like to know if anyone knows a step by step.. i have a picture that i would like to do and photoshop.. email is please email me with any info if you know how to do what he does..
