Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hay Bale Art

The Killington Hay Festival is an annual exhibit of clever sculptures made of both round and square hay bales. The festival features 35 enormous hay constructions from Teddy bears, to cows, dogs and the Tin Man.


  1. That is really cool how they made all of those out of Hay:-) I wish where we live, that they would do more for the kids around here like that. That looks like it would be fun for the whole family:-)

  2. great bales of fun and creativity!!
    Have a good day!

  3. I like the rat! The eyes on the Cookie Monster one is kind of freaking me out haha.

  4. Those are so much fun! I like the big teddy bear!

  5. Those are so awesome! Can't pick a fav..

  6. If I was a farmer, I would put those in my field to crack everyone up! Those are GREAT! Who thinks of this stuff?

  7. oh i love them!!!

    you are very interesting!

  8. Hey Veronica!!
    Just stopped by to say hi..
    my 8yo and I might (keeping my fingers crossed) get to go to Kuala Lumpur to do a commercial (but I still have to convince dh!)

    Any ideas on what to expect from Kuala Lumpur?

  9. Wow, those are incredible!! I love the cookie monster! And the cows are amazing!
